miercuri, 6 iulie 2011

How to Reach the Front Page of Google

      Google is without a doubt the most important search engine for you to reach the front page of. Reaching the front page of Google gives you access to thousands of potential viewers as Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Its difficult but important to impress Google and reach the front page if you want your website to succeed.
However, you can easily reach the front page of Google using a few simple tricks.
       Contrary to popular belief, a domain name is not the most important part of your search engine optimisation process. While making sure your keyword is the first thing Google sees when it’s examining your domain name, having a difficult to remember, keyword based domain name can have a negative impact on people returning to your site. While it’s important to reach the front page of Google, it’s also important to make sure visitors can easily remember how to find your website. Don’t sacrifice visitor happiness for the sake of reaching Google’s front page. If it’s possible to fit your keyword into your domain name and still have it memorable as a brand name, then that’s your best option. Something like "www.dogtrainingtips.com" is not as easily memorable as a brand name like "www.dogteachers.com", and both domain names have dog in them, making your web page rank higher in Google for dog related searches.
 Keyword saturation is a vital part to reaching the front page of Google. Google’s algorithms examine your web pages and check for keywords, and it is these keywords which determine where in a Google search result your web page will rank. To get a good ranking in Google, make sure to have your keyword or key phrase show up as often as possible without spamming it into the content of your web page. Google will punish overusage of keywords, which can be worse than not using enough at all. Try to use your keyword or key phrase at least once every paragraph, or every two sentences. This keeps it at a high enough saturation level that Google won’t punish you, but also makes sure the Google crawler recognises what your keyword is. Having a dense keyword saturation is probably the most important part of reaching the front page of Google.
Make sure you link between your pages as often as you can using context relevant words. Don’t use a link which says "Click Here", rather if you are linking to a page about oranges make sure the link says "oranges". Link to two or three web pages in every article you right, and don’t forget to link to other web sites which are related. These websites can see where the link is coming from and might return the favour if you can send traffic their way. This backlinking determines how high a page value your website has, increasing its rank on the Google front page. Further, linking between your own articles will ensure that the Google software can find every one of your web pages on your site with ease and will know what keyword to associate with it.
If you follow these 3 key pieces of advice, you can find yourself reaching the front page of Google very quickly. With just a little time and effort put into your work you can very easily reach the Google front page for your relevant keyword search.

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