miercuri, 6 iulie 2011

The Most Powerful Search Engines on the Internet

     The most ultimate feature and a friendly platform on the Internet, search engines, have taken significantly by a storm providing all of convenience for millions of Internet users to achieve constant information, up-to-date news, or even sharing a new idea directly automatically. The increasing number of search engines is not merely a nascent phenomena, lots of providers are highly enthusiasm to “ascend the throne” leading this industry nowadays. All attempts to engage new loyal customers as many as possible are an unseparated obligation to legalize the existence; however, the dwindling number of the search engines is in far away of becoming disappeared. Only a few of them still emerging their power to face the competitor, struggling and maintaining the position. Google, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, ASK are some examples among other search engines which is occupying the 10 ten lists of search engines ladder.

      Definitely, every people has his/her own the best search engine whether based on the popularity, the sophisticated displays or in terms of multiple access that equipped with complete tools. Altogether, it makes people free to select what is the appropriate and the most powerful search engines. Formerly, for many years ago, there was one leader throughout the world and can be proclaimed as one of the earliest initiator of search engines, namely Yahoo. It is widely popular years by years and its legitimation spreading the words to introduce a new era on the Internet able to attract people’s attention that addicted to explore the cyber world, but, it is only temporary time. The nearest competitor of Yahoo, Google, has been replaced Yahoo’s position stealthily and without any assumption previously. Many reasons were influenced why it immediately develops in period’s short time instead of a new beginner. Likely, similar to Yahoo, the name of the brand is very catchy and easy to remember. Moreover, it represents abundant of applications in simple ways through social perspective such as Google translator, maps, book, and many more. It means that Google encourages its users to fell different nuance in a new way. The hefty magnetism of its arrival is both Google ad words; it was used to campaign or advertise a product by CPC cost that very beneficial due to its understandable setting, and Google ad sense; it was the most wanted service which is allowed to earn money by displaying some ads on a blog or site.
      It can be inferred that Google today leading the search engines industry with almost 75 % market share over the world. It obviously caused by its innovations and contributions on how to decipher a chance. So far, no one can pursue or desire to change its position, even though yahoo is the second largest search engines in the world and has been customized its new performance, it is inadequate to reach its dignity anymore. It is already enough to yahoo or other search engines becoming the underdog level due to as long as they have no improvements, it is impossible to approach Google and as long as Google has both of those high-valuable services; its position is everlasting and cannot be affected by anyone entirely. It is very appropriate why Google deserves as the most powerful search engines on the internet and why people love Google and tend to use it as their first search engine.

How to Make Use of Google Places to Bring in Potential Customers?

     For the local business owners who are exploring avenues to embrace measures to outscore the competition, Google places serve as an able ally to prop up the local business. With fast-paced life, and with the need to possess information instantly, scores of enthusiasts turn their attention to search engines to get equipped with relevant information. In case of the local business owner who plans to adopt effective measures to put powerful marketing strategies in place, the Google places listings happen to be a potent tool to stay ahead in this tough competition, and beat the challenger by a mile. But how does Google bring in more potential customers?
     Online advertising through Google places
When local business owners plan to institute effective marketing measures, online advertising happens to be a key element that lures the attention of the business owners. With Google places, the business owner can get initiated with the online advertising plans, and this measure isn’t going to burn a hole in the pocket of the business owner. It isn’t going to cost a dime for the business owner to create Google places listings, and the chances of reaching scores of customers through Google isn’t a dream anymore.
Proper optimization to be found by customers
     When the business owner takes pains to optimize the Google places listing, the business listing finds the nod of approval from the search engines, as they find a place in the top search engine result pages. In effect, it becomes easy for the business owner to make their presence felt, as when they optimize the Google places pages.
Premium options to make the presence felt
      The business owner can almost provide all relevant details related to his business. The enthusiast can add value to his listing by including videos and photos, and there are several custom categories that offer a wealth of information about a specific business. Be it the details regarding the brands sold by an enthusiast or the details pertaining to the parking space, Google places listings serve well to offer relevant information about local businesses.
       Cater to mobile phone users
With the Google places listings, an enthusiast is better equipped to target the mobile phone users, as they tend to find the business listings easily, which is a surefire way to attract the attention of the mobile users.
Promotional activities
The business owner can also make use of the Google places listing to introduce marketing campaigns that can take several forms. The individual can plan for some discounts for products or for services that get rendered, and he can also make use of coupons to attract more customers through Google places listings.
      Reviews and Citations
By making use of the customer reviews and citations, Google places listing of a business is sure to make an improvement with respect to the rankings. As when the local business finds better ranking, made possible through effective SEO measures, finding the targeted audience becomes easy. This in turn is sure to enhance the bottom line of the local business.
      When the business owner claims his Google places listings, it becomes an effective tool to attract potential customers, and with it enhance the profitability of the business.

How to Make Search Engine Optimization Work for Your Business

     No matter the nature of your business, one thing is certain that it does need an online presence. And your business website is your full time sales agent. This means that your website must be easily reachable to billions of online users who are out there looking for your products and services. This is where Search Engine Optimization comes in “to put your business on the web map”
     Here are some basic aspects of SEO that you should consider adopting while developing your website in order to improve your ranking within the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing
   i. Keywords research
     Keyword research is one of the most important aspects of getting your website set up for good ranking. Your goal when carrying out keyword research should be finding those phrases that best describe the message of your website. Having identified those phrases, your next goal should be to research the web using effective keyword research tools in order to come up with long tail keywords that have high searches and low competition.
Keyword research is a process which can be time consuming. However, doing this research upfront will most certainly make a great impact in your search engine rankings.
     ii. Generate an SEO friendly title tag
You need to create a title tag that is rich in keywords and have it incorporated in the head section of your HTML document or in the title section of your website configuration.
     iii. Create an SEO friendly description Meta tag
Consider creating a “Description Meta Tag” that is equally rich in keyword and include it in the head section of your HTML document or within your web configuration. Description Meta tag is a one or two word statement describing your webpage. It is crawled by the search engines to reveal the kind of keywords contained in your web page.
     iv. Have a keyword anchor text
Use your keywords in your linking structure. These are the words that will instruct the search engines on what the user is looking for based on the “click” action
     v. Use full URL linking
Make it as easy as possible for webpage crawling robots to locate all the pages on your website. To realize this, you need to ensure that all your links are referred to using their full URL when creating your linking structure.
      vi. Present SEO friendly content that is of good quality
Search engine robots are not daft. The algorithms that they generate are being continuously undergoing improvements and updated in order to find quality content for their users. You need to conduct a periodic keyword research in order to upgrade the quality of your content. This will make your marketing effort relevant as well as yield long-term success to your business.
Do not spam your website with keywords as this can attract a penalty of low ranking or complete removal of your site from search engine indexing.

How to Reach the Front Page of Google

      Google is without a doubt the most important search engine for you to reach the front page of. Reaching the front page of Google gives you access to thousands of potential viewers as Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Its difficult but important to impress Google and reach the front page if you want your website to succeed.
However, you can easily reach the front page of Google using a few simple tricks.
       Contrary to popular belief, a domain name is not the most important part of your search engine optimisation process. While making sure your keyword is the first thing Google sees when it’s examining your domain name, having a difficult to remember, keyword based domain name can have a negative impact on people returning to your site. While it’s important to reach the front page of Google, it’s also important to make sure visitors can easily remember how to find your website. Don’t sacrifice visitor happiness for the sake of reaching Google’s front page. If it’s possible to fit your keyword into your domain name and still have it memorable as a brand name, then that’s your best option. Something like "www.dogtrainingtips.com" is not as easily memorable as a brand name like "www.dogteachers.com", and both domain names have dog in them, making your web page rank higher in Google for dog related searches.
 Keyword saturation is a vital part to reaching the front page of Google. Google’s algorithms examine your web pages and check for keywords, and it is these keywords which determine where in a Google search result your web page will rank. To get a good ranking in Google, make sure to have your keyword or key phrase show up as often as possible without spamming it into the content of your web page. Google will punish overusage of keywords, which can be worse than not using enough at all. Try to use your keyword or key phrase at least once every paragraph, or every two sentences. This keeps it at a high enough saturation level that Google won’t punish you, but also makes sure the Google crawler recognises what your keyword is. Having a dense keyword saturation is probably the most important part of reaching the front page of Google.
Make sure you link between your pages as often as you can using context relevant words. Don’t use a link which says "Click Here", rather if you are linking to a page about oranges make sure the link says "oranges". Link to two or three web pages in every article you right, and don’t forget to link to other web sites which are related. These websites can see where the link is coming from and might return the favour if you can send traffic their way. This backlinking determines how high a page value your website has, increasing its rank on the Google front page. Further, linking between your own articles will ensure that the Google software can find every one of your web pages on your site with ease and will know what keyword to associate with it.
If you follow these 3 key pieces of advice, you can find yourself reaching the front page of Google very quickly. With just a little time and effort put into your work you can very easily reach the Google front page for your relevant keyword search.

Alternate Search Engines

    While most people know about the top four search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and Ask), most don’t know about the alternatives.  Some search engines are powered by one of the big four, but make a donation to charity for each valid search.  Others are just less well-known.

Charity Search Engines

     Goodsearch (powered by Yahoo!): This search engine allows you to pick the charity to which your search donations will be made.  While not every charity is a partner with Goodsearch, there are many that are.  If your favorite is not listed, contact the charity and ask the contact person to apply.  This search engine also has a shopping section entitled Goodshop, which often offers online coupons for many online retailers.  Online shopping done through Goodshop donates a percentage of the purchase to your charity of choice.  Once you have chosen a charity on the homepage, there is a button under the name of the charity to take you to a page of the statistics for the charity. The amount of money raised for each month from searches and from purchases will each be listed, as well as the total for the year to date and the total for the charity since it partnered with Goodsearch.  If you are having trouble choosing a charity, there is a featured charity of the day in the upper left hand corner on the homepage.  In addition to the search site itself, Goodsearch is also available as a Firefox add-on.
    Ads4Africa (powered by Google) This search engine generates money to be donated to impoverished families in Africa with each valid search. There are a few more ads than an average Google search.  The look of this search engine is also quite different, with bright yellow and green in the background.  It is available as a Firefox internet browser add-on.

    Less Well-Known Search Engines

DuckDuckGo:This is a general search engine site, much like Google.  Unlike the big four, however, DuckDuckGo does not track your searches.  It has minimal ads, and minimal decoration (it only has a duck with a bow tie at the top).  For many searches, DuckDuckGo will display a definition at the top of the search results list in a box.   In addition to the search site, DuckDuckGo is also a Firefox add-on.  There is a link to add it to Firefox on the homepage.
     Dogpile: This is a meta search engine, that collects responses from Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.  The background is sky and grass, with a cartoon of a dog in the lower right hand corner.  This cartoon changes on occasion, and often has an optional search that goes along with the cartoon beneath it.  There is a link to add Dogpile to your browser’s search box on the homepage.

The Search Engine Market Breakdown: Google, Bing, and Yahoo

   Google has had a stranglehold on the search engine market pretty much since the beginning of its existence. Since then this has only become more and more true. The thing that has changed has been the importance of Search Engines.

   Search Engines play a huge role in the entire Internet. It simply helps everyone find what they are looking for fast.  Speed has become more important as the world has adapted to having their information when they want it, due to smart phones and other mobile devices. So therefore, people have used the search engines to speed up their online ordeals.
According to Danny Sullivan on SearchEngineWatch.com, Google got 91 million searches per day in 2006. Although it’s a little bit later on now, I believe that this number has only increased. This is an astonishing amount of searches per day.
   The next search engine on the list is Yahoo and according to Danny they had 60 million searches per day. This is a huge amount of searches per day, but Google has 31 million more! Again, these are statistics from 2006.
The third search engine on the list was MSN with 28 million searches per day. But I’m sure this has changed to Bing by now. Bing has been the closest competitor with Yahoo and Google. It may have even taken the second spot from Yahoo.
   AOL and Ask ended the list with about 15 million searches per day each. These two I bet are still at the tail end of the list. Ask has kind of shifted its focus onto its Question and Answer project. AOL has always been more of an e-mail service rather than a search engine to me.
      My Predictions for the Future
   I bet Google will not lose its number one spot within the next 5 years. The only thing that would change that is a new discovery that’s better than Search Engines or some dramatic change in Google for the worse.
Yahoo seems to be losing its power and may be passed by Bing soon, if they haven’t been passed already. Yahoo has other things going for it, but I think they gave up after being second best to Google for so long.
Bing will probably be the only one truly competing with Google for the top spot. Although, I bet it will take a while for them to make it that level, if they make new software, they could have a chance.
    No one truly knows what the future will hold for search engines, but for now I think Google can rest easy knowing it will be the top spot. If they keep updating their algorithm to make it better and add new features every so often, I don’t see any reason why they would have a problem keeping their control over the Search Engine. They definitely seem to be cashing in on their money making machine.

What Are the Most Searched Words on Google?

       It is not all that easy to find a list of the most searched words of all time on Google, but you can find out the most searched words on Google over the last day, and compare the search volumes of different keyword phrases to each other.
      In this article, I will not be telling you what the most searched words on Google are, because I can’t do that, as it will always be changing, but I can tell you about a number of Google sites that allow you to find out information about search patterns.

Google Trends

Google Trends is a little confusing to use, but when you arrive, you get a list of the top ten hot topics, and hot searches. Then, you can type in a keyword, and see a little data relating to that keyword such as the search volume for that phrase over the years, and the sites with the most traffic related to that keyword.

Google Insights for Search

Google Insights for Search is a little better at helping you find the most searched words on Google, but it still doesn’t provide actual search volume numbers, you have to compare words to each other, and you can see the countries that do the most searches on those words, and you get the top ten searches and rising searches related to that keyword.

Google Zeitgeist

Google Zeitgeist is released yearly, and it is a list of the most searched words of a particular year. Actually, I don’t know that it is a list of the most searched words on Google, but they list the fastest rising searches, and the fastest falling searches in different categories.
For example, in 2010, chatroulette was the fastest rising, and swine flu was the fastest falling. What does this tell us about the most searched words on Google? It still doesn’t tell us what they actually are, just the fast changes in numbers over a year.

Google Hot Trends

They don’t even tell you how these hot searches are calculated, except they are the "hottest" searches of the last 24 hours. There is a list of twenty supposedly "hot" searches, and that’s it. For January 1st, 2011, the number one "hot search" was hgtv dream home 2011. The number four one was horned frog. I don’t know how they work out what is hot, but I don’t think it’s search volumes, but fast rising search volumes.

Google Adwords Keyword Tool

This is a pretty good little device. You can enter in a keyword, and get a list of keywords related to it, with actual search volume numbers. It still won’t tell you straight out what the most searched words on Google are, but with the Google Adwords keyword tool, you can compare the words you think it might be, and see how many people are actually searching for them each month.
So in conclusion, there is no list provided by Google that tells you what the most googled words on Google are, but you may assume it has something to do with sex. At least you would think so. I typed sex into the Google Adwords keyword tool, and guess what came up?
You Tube has 755,000,000 searches per month, while sex only has 338,000,000. Facebook has (wait for it) 2,060,000,000 searches per month globally. That’s well over 10 billion searches a year. I would have to take a guess and say that Facebook is the most searched word on Google.
I may be wrong, and it will always be changing, but that’s a heavily searched word. Anyway, if you haven’t joined already, joinFactoidz, and get paid to write articles.